Since I was a young child I have had a love for building and putting things together, whether it was Legos, wood blocks, or other random items. As much as I loved to build I also loved to demolish. What little boy doesn’t thoroughly enjoy destroying and wrecking things, no matter what it may be. As I got older, I had a growing fascination with the way things work, primarily how they were put together. I began to fall in love with the process of problem solving by maintaining the mindset that “everything can always be done better, faster, and more efficiently”. All I had to do was figure out how to create those efficiencies. Time and time again I have found that mindset has helped me in life; it also has set me apart from the crowd when others have given up on a solution and I’m still trying.
In college, I found that the classes I enjoyed most were the ones that helped me hone the craft of construction and the process of learning how to build. Education has always been one of those things that I have seen as most beneficial when it can be paired with work experience. I made a point to always be working while attending school and I was fortunate to be a part of the burgeoning construction industry in Chattanooga at the time. I have been able to experience firsthand the different aspects of constructing a house, from concrete, masonry, framing, and trim work to electrical, plumbing, and HVAC and pairing that experience with the study of engineering and those trades throughout my college courses.
Much of my drive to be a part of the construction industry has come from my Grandfather, Harold K. Bowling, who was a successful home builder in Asheville, North Carolina from 1960-1985 as well as a WWII veteran. I see the life and the community that has come from the many neighborhoods and houses he built every time I travel to Asheville to visit my Grandmother and extended family. The houses themselves are a testament to the incredible quality and attention to detail that my Grandfather put into each one of the homes that he built. It is a dream of mine to be able to carry on his legacy of home building and construction. Although there have been many changes in the construction industry from the 1960’s to today, I know I want to maintain a level of quality and attention to detail in my work that my grandchildren will talk about for generations.
Owning my own business has been a dream of mine for most of my life. Much of that desire has come from my father, Harold K. Bowling Jr., or more commonly known as Hal Bowling. I grew up in a home with a dad who has always been an incredible businessman. Early in my life he started and grew a marketing company in Chattanooga into a successful multi-million dollar business and since then he has been a prominent business consultant and is currently the Executive Director of the non-profit LAUNCH Chattanooga. However, his most successful venture was being a great father to my brother (Luke), sister (Emma) and me and spending time with us throughout our lives despite the busyness of his business ventures and jobs. It is from him that my deep love for entrepreneurship has come and throughout the years I have enjoyed a few casual business ventures of my own.
Timber Creek Construction was created from an immense desire to maintain the legacy of my father, Hal, and my late grandfather, Harold, who have both played a very large role in my life and shaping the person I have become today. They have both given me a deep understanding of the importance of three things: Quality, Value, and Integrity. Providing the highest Quality product and experience possible for customers enables a Value to be created and most people desire to have a product and experience that is valuable. Last, is the process of doing everything with an Integrity that blends knowledge and confidence with honesty and humility. This adds to the overall Value of the product and experience. This is my story.
My desire is for you to see Quality, Value and Integrity in every job we take on. Come see for yourself!
- Noah Bowling
Founder, Partner and President